NRL Lab Week

  1. 1. Set at 4500 rpms for 5 minutes
  2. 2. No mismatches here
  3. 4. _________ Pathology, not Clinical
  4. 6. Where all testing gets done
  5. 7. Where you can see the "complete" picture
  6. 8. Identifies S. marcescens
  7. 11. Patient serum + donor RBCs
  8. 12. Zone of inhibition
  9. 14. Evaluated by AP
  1. 1. E.g. erythrocyte, monocyte, lymphocyte, neutrophil, etc.
  2. 3. E.g. AST, ALT, ALP, Cr, Urea, etc.
  3. 5. Pre-_________
  4. 8. Involves isolation, purification, amplification, and signal transduction and transmission
  5. 9. Section with the most volume
  6. 10. What gets tested
  7. 13. Finding the ATGCs