- 2. Symptom of hypertension
- 4. lab used to dose warfarin therapy
- 8. Medication classification used with atrial fibrillation
- 13. Lab level that shows impaired renal perfusion
- 14. Most important to assess for when a patient has thrombophlebitis
- 15. Lab value that stays elevated days after a myocardial infarction
- 16. When every other beat is a PVC
- 1. Medication that helps prevents clots who have atrial fibrillation
- 3. P wave represents this cardiac electrical activity
- 5. Cardiac test that requires informed consent
- 6. Assessment done hourly after cardiac surgery
- 7. Symptom that may show a malfunctioning pacemaker
- 9. Preventative action to decrease infective endocarditis
- 10. Pacemaker of the heart
- 11. Organ that helps regular blood pressure
- 12. Test that determines the function of the left ventricle