Nuclear Radiation

  1. 2. A nuclear reaction process that converts one type of atom to a different type of atom
  2. 5. A small negatively charged particle
  3. 8. A process that causes a nucleus to change
  4. 9. A small negatively charged particle ejected from the nucleus during Beta decay
  5. 10. Having no overall charge
  6. 12. A particle with no electric charge found in the nucleus
  7. 14. A positively charged particle in the nucleus
  8. 15. Atoms that have the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons
  1. 1. The number of protons and neutrons in an atom
  2. 3. The number of protons in a nucleus
  3. 4. The time it takes for half the nuclei to decay
  4. 6. A substance made of only one type of atom
  5. 7. A form of ionising radiation ejected from the nucleus during Gamma decay
  6. 11. A particle made of two protons and two neutrons ejected from the nucleus during Alpha decay
  7. 13. The building block of all matter