Nuclear Test Review, Pt 2, 2021

  1. 3. NUCLEI merging together to form one large nucleus to release energy, helium and a neutron in a nuclear reaction
  2. 6. term for the specific type of background radiation that originates (comes from) the soil
  3. 15. vocabulary term for the GENERAL type of radiation that is around us at all times, but normally at very low levels
  4. 16. an example of a chain reaction that is __ is an atomic bomb!
  5. 17. type of nuclear reaction used in nuclear power plants to make water vapor spin a turbine and create electricity for millions of people
  6. 18. type of radiation that is LEAST dangerous to us
  1. 1. last name of the man who created the most famous equation in science that means that a TINY AMOUNT OF MASS can equal VAST, HUGE!!! AMOUNTS OF ENERGY!!!!
  2. 2. cosmic objects that are CONSTANTLY undergoing FUSION reactions
  3. 4. what hits a nucleus to START a fission reaction?
  4. 5. most damaging type of radiation
  5. 7. particle that gets emitted (spit out) every single time BETA DECAY/RADIATION occurs
  6. 8. in nuclear medicine, a patient takes this, a ___, which is slightly radioactive in order for doctors to quickly diagnose any potential diseases.
  7. 9. radioactive decay occurs because an unstable atom releases ____ and some sort of particle in order to become STABLE again
  8. 10. a material that would block BETA radiation but not GAMMA radiation
  9. 11. location in Japan of an unfortunate accident where a tsunami hit a nuclear power plant in 2011 and created a radiation leak that is still ongoing today
  10. 12. particle that is emitted from the nucleus of an unstable atom every single time ALPHA radiation occurs
  11. 13. last name of the first woman to be awarded two Nobel prizes and is also buried in a lead-lined coffin due to radiation hazards from her body
  12. 14. term for the specific type of background radiation that is given off by the sun and galaxies