
  1. 2. high sourse of nutrition
  2. 6. need to consume to survive
  3. 10. is a sourse of energy for the body
  4. 11. is a sourse of protien
  5. 12. the main sourse fopr calsium
  6. 13. thye mainm nutrition
  7. 15. used to hydrate the body
  1. 1. A B C is an example
  2. 3. used to restore the body
  3. 4. comes from a curtain amouit of foods
  4. 5. acures when dont haver enough fluids
  5. 7. comes from milk
  6. 8. used to build and restore cels in the body
  7. 9. examples active
  8. 14. used to isulate the body