
  1. 1. How many hands do you have?
  2. 2. What is the number after four?
  3. 4. Enam in English is ...
  4. 6. Dua belas in English is ...
  5. 8. Lima puluh in English is ...
  6. 10. Ten in Indonesia is ...
  7. 11. satu in English is...
  8. 12. What is the number before Ten?
  9. 14. sebelas in English is ...
  10. 15. What is the number before four?
  1. 1. How many fingers do you have?
  2. 2. Empat puluh in English is ...
  3. 3. Lima belas in English is ...
  4. 4. Tujuh in English is ...
  5. 5. Eight in Indonesia is ...
  6. 7. What is the number after sixteen?
  7. 9. Dua puluh in English is ...
  8. 13. What is the number after seven?