Number System

  1. 6. "fewer than, below, under, to the left"
  2. 8. positive and negative fractions and decimals
  3. 12. numbers to the right or above zero
  4. 13. distance a number is from zero
  5. 14. line going from the left to the right
  6. 16. subtracting money
  1. 1. numbers to the left or below zero
  2. 2. a number after the decimal that continues on
  3. 3. positive numbers and zero
  4. 4. line going up and down
  5. 5. negative or positive number
  6. 7. adding money to your account
  7. 9. adding money
  8. 10. "more than, above, bigger than, over, to the right"
  9. 11. equal distance a number is away from zero on both sides of the number line
  10. 15. not negative nor positive, sea level, neautral