Number System

  1. 2. a line on which every point represents a real number.
  2. 3. when the remainder becomes zero. eg. 3/9 etc.
  3. 6. √3 is a.
  4. 8. the union of the set of rational number and irrational number.
  5. 9. the integer which is a whole number but not a natural number
  1. 1. the counting numbers 1,2,3,4,5......
  2. 2. numbers smaller than zero. they come to the left to the zero on the number line.
  3. 4. the counting numbers 0,1,2,3,4,5,......
  4. 5. numbers greater than zero. they come to the right of the zero on the number line.
  5. 7. √9 is a.