  1. 4. Decimals having the unequal number of decimal places
  2. 5. Fraction in which denominator is 10 or higher power of 10
  3. 8. the decimal expansion terminates
  4. 10. Fraction in which denominator is other than 10, 100, 1000 etc.
  5. 11. Fraction in which denominator is greater than its numerator
  1. 1. Fraction which consists of an integer and a proper fraction
  2. 2. Fraction whose numerator or denominator or both are not integers
  3. 3. The decimal expansion does not terminate but repeats
  4. 6. Fraction in which denominator is less than its numerator
  5. 7. Numbers which can be expressed in the form of p/q
  6. 9. Set of positive and negative numbers including zero