
  1. 3. Eight-hundred twenty-three thousand four-hundred seventy-one
  2. 5. 10756 - 8723
  3. 7. 56821 - 9154
  4. 9. 2318 - 671
  5. 12. 1246 - 931
  6. 13. Round to the nearest tenths 3666
  7. 14. 4620 + 3280
  8. 15. Round to the nearest ten thousandths 185236
  9. 18. Three million four-hundred twenty-one thousand seven-hundred eighty-nine
  10. 20. Five-thousand three-hundred nine
  1. 1. Eight-hundred twenty-seven
  2. 2. Seventy-two thousand five-hundred forty-six
  3. 4. Round to the nearest hundredths 1,476,281
  4. 6. 32516 + 3186
  5. 8. 10426 + 14081
  6. 10. Round to the nearest thousandths 68107
  7. 11. Round to the nearest hundredths 4589
  8. 16. 21056 - 11268
  9. 17. 16439 + 5149
  10. 19. 523 + 472