
  1. 2. The second natural number, represented as "2."
  2. 4. The eighth natural number, represented as "8."
  3. 6. A large number representing ten tens, or ten times the number ten.
  4. 8. The fourth natural number, represented as "4."
  5. 10. The tenth natural number, represented as "10."
  6. 11. A number representing three tens, or three times the number ten.
  7. 12. The seventh natural number, represented as "7."
  8. 14. The third natural number, represented as "3."
  1. 1. The sixth natural number, represented as "6."
  2. 3. The first natural number, represented as "1."
  3. 5. An even larger number representing a thousand, or one thousand times the number one.
  4. 7. A number representing two tens, or twice the number ten.
  5. 8. A number representing five tens, or five times the number ten.
  6. 9. The fifth natural number, represented as "5."
  7. 13. The ninth natural number, represented as "9."