Numbers 7-10

  1. 1. Bring the ___ to the front of the Tent of Meeting and assemble the whole Israelite community.
  2. 4. Each day one leader is to bring his offering for the ____ of the altar.
  3. 7. To gather the ____, blow the trumpets, but not with the same signal.
  4. 9. He heard the voice speaking to him from between the two ___ above the atonement cover...
  5. 13. This leader's son is Pagiel
  6. 15. When they celebrate this special holiday, the Israelites must follow all of what?
  7. 18. Whenever the cloud lifted from above the Tent, the Israelites set ___...
  8. 20. ...On the behalf of the Israelites and to make atonement for them so that no __ will strike the Israelites...
  9. 22. The ____ of the covenant of the Lord went before them during those three days to find them a place to rest.
  10. 23. At the Lord's command, they ___.
  11. 25. This leader's son is in charge of the Simeon people.
  12. 26. The first camp to travel first under their standard behind Moses.
  13. 27. Celebrate it at the appointed time, at __ on the fourteenth day of this month...
  1. 2. Men ___ years old or more shall work at the Tent of Meeting.
  2. 3. This leader is the son of Pedahzur.
  3. 5. Your appointed ____ and New Moon festivals, you are to sound the trumpets over your burnt offerings.
  4. 6. The name of the desert that God led the Israelites to and to have them rest there temporarily.
  5. 8. What was the total number of rams used for the fellowship offering?
  6. 10. This leader's son came on the third day to the altar to do an offering to the Lord.
  7. 11. He anointed it and _____ it and all its furnishings.
  8. 12. The ___ was made exactly like the pattern the Lord had shown Moses.
  9. 14. Whenever the ark came to rest, Moses said "___, oh Lord"
  10. 16. The camp that set out just before the camp of Dan for the journey, following behind Moses.
  11. 17. Some of them could not celebrate the ____ on that day because they were ceremonially unclean.
  12. 19. The tribe leaders altogether brought ___ oxen to the Lord.
  13. 21. The Lord instructed Moses to create a tool to help assemble the community for occasions and for signaling camps to move out.
  14. 24. Son of Amminadab
  15. 28. The name of the man who wanted to go back home to his family.