Numeral Symbols

  1. 1. 2 times 2
  2. 3. less than 12 more than 10
  3. 6. 600 divided by 6
  4. 8. no value, It is the only integer (and, in fact, the only real number) that is neither negative nor positive.
  5. 10. ten times two
  6. 12. 120 divided by 10
  7. 13. 100 less than 10
  1. 1. twenty less than 5
  2. 2. one letter L and three letter X in roman numeral
  3. 4. 3 times 3
  4. 5. five times 10
  5. 7. 3 times 10
  6. 9. one times one
  7. 10. one plus one
  8. 11. 100 divided by 10