Nursery Rhymes

  1. 5. Head_knees and toes
  2. 8. Humpty Dumpty sat on a _
  3. 10. Round and round the _
  4. 11. Row row row your boat
  5. 12. See the little _ sleeping
  6. 14. Tommy _
  1. 1. Polly put the _on
  2. 2. I'm a dingle dangle _
  3. 3. Jack and jill went up the _
  4. 4. 5 little _jumping on the bed
  5. 6. Down at the_ early in the morning
  6. 7. _ Twinkle little star
  7. 9. If you're _and you know it
  8. 12. Wind the _up
  9. 13. 5 little _