nursery school

  1. 2. realize
  2. 4. longer than expected or planned
  3. 7. Verantwortung
  4. 8. intended to be kept secret
  5. 9. aktuelle Gebühren
  6. 10. a lot of something good or useful
  7. 11. showing a particular feeling
  8. 14. ermutigen
  9. 17. to make it possible for someone to do something
  10. 18. look after something
  11. 19. gesamte Potential
  12. 20. an other word for quite
  1. 1. sichere Umgebung
  2. 3. the process of watching something
  3. 5. special or great
  4. 6. schedule what the children should learn
  5. 12. to improve something
  6. 13. to make certain that something will happen properly
  7. 15. able to be used
  8. 16. weicher Raum (Entspannungsraum)