Nursing Theories

  1. 5. In the meta- paradigm of Imogene King’s theory in assessment portion, according to him _____________ is required to verify accuracy of perception, for interaction and transaction.
  2. 7. Peplau define this as a word symbol that implies forward movement of personality and other ongoing human processes in the direction.
  3. 9. Neuman defines ________ as “action which assist individuals, families and groups to maintain a maximum level of wellness, and the primary aim is stability of the patient/client system, through nursing interventions to reduce stressors.’’
  4. 11. In Nueman’s theory she considered the _________environment exists within the client system. It is defined in the environment paradigms of her theory.
  5. 14. The _______ environment exists outside the client system. This is also defined in the environmental paradigm of Nueman’s theory.
  6. 15. It is one of the concepts of personal system
  7. 16. According to Hildegard Peplau this role of a nurse imparts knowledge in reference to a need or interest of the patient.
  8. 18. The theory of Hildegard Peplau w as influenced by ________ theory of inter personal relations in 1953.
  9. 20. system A sub-concept in the major concept of interacting systems of the theory of goal attainment.
  1. 1. This theory of Hildegard Peplau is refered as __________ nursing, which is the understanding of ones own behavior.
  2. 2. According to Nueman she defined this paradigm as the "the totality of the internal and external forces (intrapersonal, interpersonal and extra-personal stressors) which surround a person and with which they interact at any given time."
  3. 3. Each layer of the five person variable/ subsystems in the paradigm of Nueman’s theory have different meanings. What variable does she refer to mental processes and emotions?
  4. 4. of goal attainment It is the theory of Imogene King.
  5. 6. Peplau define this meta-paradigm as a developing organism that tries to reduce anxiety caused by needs.
  6. 8. According to Hildegard Peplau this role of a nurse helps client assume maximum responsibility for meeting treatment goals in a mutually satisfying way.
  7. 10. Nueman’s theory also have paradigms and she defined the person as a total person as a client system and the person is a ______ multidimensional being
  8. 12. Acc to Imogene Kings’s theory in his “person” paradigms, how many fundamental needs does human beings have? =
  9. 13. Each layer of the five person variable/ subsystems in the paradigm of Nueman’s theory have different meanings. What variable does she refer to as the influence of spiritual beliefs?
  10. 17. Each layer of the five person variable/ subsystems in the paradigm of Nueman’s theory have different meanings. What variable does she refer to those processes related to development?
  11. 19. According to Hildegard Peplau this role of a nurse receives the client in the same way one meets a stranger in other life situations provides an accepting climate that builds trust.