Nursing Theories Puzzle

  1. 4. Her theory was based on three main concepts and for nurses to treat psychiatric patients the same as any other patient: human being, suffering, and hope.
  2. 5. - Precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, relapse, and maintenance are the six parts of their transtheoretical model of change.
  3. 7. Their conceptual structure represented interconnected links for communication of information in health care.
  4. 9. She helped guide nursing from a task oriented service, which was focused on treating disease, into a profession focused on the patient’s healing and recovery process.
  5. 11. Her holistic perspective consists of three concepts: human being, adaptation and nursing.
  6. 15. Her theory offers a mutual relation worldview. The model’s facts include spiritual, cultural, biopsychosocial, and environmental attributes.
  7. 16. Within transcultural nursing, she initiated the idea of a clinical specialist and furthered the importance of a certification for professional nurses.
  8. 18. His theory emphasizes the importance of individual personalities, interpersonal conflict, and situational variables.
  9. 19. She began the Science of Unitary Human Beings.
  10. 20. He came up with the self-efficacy theory that includes the main elements of mastery and vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, and emotional/physiological states.
  1. 1. She had 13 concepts that are the chapter names in her book “Notes on Nursing”.
  2. 2. Her theory promotes the fostering of efficient and effective behavioral functioning in the patient to prevent illness.
  3. 3. Her theory identifies four main elements in clinical nursing: a philosophy, a purpose, a practice, and the art.
  4. 6. Her theory focuses on three main elements that overlap: Care, Core, Cure.
  5. 8. Her theory had four steps; orientation, identification, exploitation, and resolution.
  6. 10. Her theory is all about self-care, self-care deficits, and self-care nursing.
  7. 12. Considered the Mother to the Deliberative Nursing Process and the nursing diagnosis.
  8. 13. her theory outlines 14 needs of the patient.
  9. 14. Her theory serves as a framework for professional nurses and nursing programs. It allows the nurse and the patient to mutually respect one another and contribute to the overall wellness and wholeness of their relationship.
  10. 17. Her theory is based on the person’s relationship to stress, response, and other factors that are continuous in nature.