Nursing Theorist

  1. 3. Known for the Neuman Systems Model, emphasizing prevention and interventions to maintain client stability.
  2. 6. Known for the adaptation model, exploring how individuals and groups adapt to environmental changes for health.
  3. 7. Emphasized basic human needs and the role of nurses in assisting individuals to meet these needs.
  4. 10. Known for the Theory of Caritative Caring, emphasizing love and charity in nursing care.
  5. 13. Created the Self-Care Deficit Theory, focusing on individuals' ability to perform self-care for well-being.
  6. 14. Known for the Cultural Care Theory, emphasizing culturally competent care in nursing.
  7. 15. Is a nursing theorist known for her esoteric model of nursing- the Cincervation Model.
  8. 16. Developed the theory of human caring, emphasizing the importance of a caring relationship between the nurse and patient.
  9. 18. Introduced the Novice to Expert theory, describing the stages of skill acquisition and expertise in nursing practice.
  10. 19. Emphasized interpersonal relations in nursing, focusing on the nurse-patient relationship.
  11. 20. Pioneer of the Science of Unitary Human Beings, focusing on individuals as irreducible wholes interacting with the environment.
  1. 1. Contributed to the Modeling and Role-Modeling theory, emphasizing the importance of understanding the client's worldview for effective nursing care.
  2. 2. Behavioral System Model
  3. 4. Founder of modern nursing, emphasized hygiene, cleanliness, and environmental factors in patient care.
  4. 5. Developed the Human Becoming Theory, emphasizing the freedom of choice and creating one's own meaning in life.
  5. 8. Created the Systems Model, viewing individuals as open systems, with a focus on stress and stability.
  6. 9. Developed the Theory of Goal Attainment, focusing on nurses and patients working together to achieve goals.
  7. 11. Introduced the Health as Expanding Consciousness theory, exploring patterns of consciousness and how they relate to health.
  8. 12. Developed the Human-to-Human Relationship Model, emphasizing the interpersonal relationship between the nurse and patient.
  9. 17. Developed a patient-centered approach, emphasizing individual needs and concerns in nursing care.