Nursing Theorist

  1. 2. Callista Roy: This theorist nurse is famous for her contribution to nursing of her Adaptation Model that asks three major questions; Who is the focus of nursing care? What is the target of nursing care? and When is nursing care indicated?
  2. 4. Kolcaba: This nurse’s theory focused on patient comfort and how comfort existed in three forms. Relief, ease, and transcendence.
  3. 7. Neuman: This nurse’s theory is a comprehensive holistic and system-based approach to nursing. It focuses on the patient’s response to environmental stressors and what nurses can do to prevent the patient from stress.
  4. 9. Erickson: She began the research into the Modeling and Role Modeling Theory of nursing. In 2006, she edited a book that provides more in-depth information about the
  5. 11. Dossey: This theorist developed a model to show integral nursing. Shows a deeper understanding of the holistic side and the connections of nursing. The theory focuses on the deeper parts about our knowing, doing, and being.
  6. 13. E. Barnard: This theorist developed a model for Child Health Assessments. Her theory is meant to improve the health of infants and their families. Her theory helped shape public policy and cognitive development for infants. Founder of the NCAST (Nursing Child Assessment Satellite Training Project)
  7. 14. Johnson: An assumption about this theorist’s model was that system balance reflects adjustments and adaptations that are successful in some way and to some degree.
  8. 15. King: This theorist developed a model where the nurse works with the patient to set goals for their health to achieve.
  9. 19. Henderson: This nurse’s theory helped to address the issues concerning patients being able to take care of themselves after being released from medical care.
  10. 20. Rogers: This theorist developed a theory that divided into 2 concepts, the science of nursing and the art of nursing, and addressed that a patient cannot be separated from their environment when addressing health and treatment.
  11. 21. Roper: This nurse is known for her theory that is the most widely-used model of nursing in the United kingdom. Her theory is based upon daily activities that promote maximum independence for the patient.
  12. 22. Jean Orlando: this theorist is responsible for creating the Deliberative Nursing Process, this theory is responsible for allowing nurses to create an effective nursing care plan that can also be easily adapted when and if any complications arise with the patient.
  13. 23. Watson: This nurses theory focused on how to show care and compassion to patients. Her theory not only parallels the scientific research process it also consisted of 4 major concepts: human being, health, environment/society, and nursing.
  1. 1. Lewin: This theorist developed a model that has 3 major concepts; driving forces, restraining forces, and equilibrium, along with 3 steps; unfreezing, changing, and refreezing.
  2. 3. Wiedenbach: This theorist nurse was influenced by Ida Orlando and is famous for her contribution to nursing of her model; “The Helping Art Of Clinical Nursing”.
  3. 5. Peplau: this theorists model of nursing focuses on that nurse-patient relationship and identifies the different roles nurses take on wImogene Kinghen working with patients.
  4. 6. Travelbee: This nurse’s theory has an assumption that illness and suffering are spiritual encounters as well as emotional and physical experiences.
  5. 8. R. Carkhuff: This theorist came up with the idea of all relationships consisting of a helper and a helpee.
  6. 10. Abdellah: This nurse’s theory is patient-centered and has interrelated the concepts of health, nursing problems, and problem-solving. It focuses on nursing practice and individual patients.
  7. 12. Rizzo Parse: This theorists theory is centered around 3 themes: meaning, rhythmicity, and transcendence and focuses on seeing the patient as a person not as different parts of a whole.
  8. 16. E. Hall: The theory made by her was referred to as “The three C’s of *theorists name*”. It refers to her job as a nurse ro nurture the patient.
  9. 17. Nightingale: This theorist is one of the most famous nursing theorists who helped pave the way for all other nursing theories to follow by providing vital information that has helped shape the nursing profession.
  10. 18. Mercer: Often seen with first-time mothers and foster mothers, this theory’s impetus was to train nurses how to boost maternal identity confidence in a woman.