  1. 2. In her metaparadigm, she defined nursing as responsive to individuals who suffer or anticipate a sense of helplessness.
  2. 4. She developed the Theory Interpersonal Relations
  3. 6. She developed the Theory of Human Becoming
  4. 7. In her Metaparadigm, she define person is an open system in continuous process with the open system that is the environment.
  5. 8. She was born on January 30, 1923
  6. 13. She was the first director of Loeb Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation
  7. 14. She was known as “The Lady with the Lamp”.
  8. 17. In his System Theory, there two types of system which are the open and close systems.
  9. 18. He composed the “Change Theory”
  10. 19. She is considered as "The Nightingale of Modern Nursing".
  11. 20. She developed the Behavioral System Model.
  1. 1. She composed 4 related theories and they The theory of self-care, theory of dependent care, theory of self-care deficit, and theory of Nursing systems.
  2. 3. He is known for his theory, “Hierarchy of Needs”.
  3. 5. According to her, HEALTH is a process of developing awareness of self and environment together with an increasing ability to perceive alternatives and respond in a variety of ways
  4. 9. According to his 6 stages in the development of Personality, Infancy is from birth to the appearance of articulate speech; o-18 months.
  5. 10. She developed the "Adaption: A conceptual Framework for Nursing".
  6. 11. According to her, Nursing leads to deliverance of appropriate nursing care that fits the patient's cultural pattern thus reducing stress and conflict
  7. 12. He composed the Theory of Stages of Moral Development.
  8. 15. She describe environment can alter improve the systems in which person exists.
  9. 16. He was born in Frankurt Germany, in 1902