Nursing Theorists

  1. 4. E Johnson / proposed in 1968 the model advocates the fostering of efficient and effective behavioral functioning in the patient to prevent illness
  2. 7. Rizzo Parse / Their theory is based on the idea that to fulfill the goal of nursing, one must focus on quality of life from each individual’s own perspective. It is centered around three themes: meaning, rhythmicity, and transcendence.
  3. 9. Watson / This Nursing theorist was born in WV and is very focused on how nurses express care to their patients. Caring is the central idea to her theory that has four concepts including human being, health, environment-society, and nursing.
  4. 10. Neuman / this theorist’s theory is based on the patient’s relationship to stress, reaction to it, and reconstitution factors that are dynamic
  5. 13. Peplau / This theorist’s theory introduced a therapeutic way of nursing that emphasizes the importance of building trust with the patient.
  6. 15. Abdellah / Their theory was designed to help with nursing education, identifying nursing as a helping profession. It defines ten problem solving steps and eleven nursing skills that can be used to develop a treatment plan.
  7. 16. Mercer / Her theory involves the relationship between one and their mother and how it affects the growth of both people. Specifically, it helps nurses reinforce a nontraditional mother’s maternal identity and bond to her (not necessarily biological) new baby through four stages of acquisition.
  8. 17. Lewin / this theorist’s theory involves three stages. These stages make change easy to accomplish, especially when you are trying to change a behavior that has been set in place to a new set in place behavior.
  9. 18. E Hall / After her life’s work in psychiatry, she developed a theory of nursing that’s name resembles an alliteration. It focuses on three circles, which their names compose the name of the theory. When working together, the circles describe the process of healthcare professionals and patients interacting to achieve the patient’s health. Her theory emphasizes the patient as a whole.
  10. 19. Pender / This theorist developed a model with five key concepts. In this model health is seen as a positive dynamic state, not just free of disease.
  1. 1. Travelbee / This theory was presented in her book which was published in 1961. It has influenced hospice nurses to improve the quality of their patients’ lives by forming a relationship.
  2. 2. Jean Orlando / This nursing theorist’s process she developed explains how nursing care plans need to be developed in a way that allows adaptation and encourages the nurse to think of a plan before immediately taking action.
  3. 3. Orem / This theorist presented a theory that informs us on the importance of letting a patient learn to do things on his own so he/she can be strong enough as an individual to remain healthy when not in a hospital setting.
  4. 5. Nightingale / established a nursing theory that incorporates the patients’ surrounding environment in his or her nursing care plan
  5. 6. Henderson / Her theory focuses on the idea that nurses, through a substitutive, supplementary, or complementary role, help patients learn how to independently fulfill their needs to either achieve health or peaceful death. Her theory also outlines the needs that each person must meet to survive, some of which the nurse will need to teach the patient how to complete on their own to prepare for independent living, through 14 components. Hey theory also focuses on the idea that a patient is a sum of needs that must be met.
  6. 8. Wiedenbach / developed Helping Art of Clinical Nursing. The theory identifies four elements in nursing; a philosophy, a purpose, a practice, and art. This theory is based off of the needs of the patient, looking for symptoms, and determining what the patient needs to resolve the illness.
  7. 11. Roy / Her theory includes a model of nursing with three central concepts and questions. She has four doctoral degrees. Within her model are three concepts being human being, adaptation, and nursing. The adaptation concept can be broken down into four modes.
  8. 12. Roper / Established a theory that looks at the patient's overall independence, determining what the patient can and can't do and how their illness has affected them. Then, they come up with a care plan for the specific needs of that certain patient. Upon arrival, they assess the patient for things such as breathing, eating, dressing, temperature control, and communication, then as time goes on they modify their plan of care to meet the needs of the patient.
  9. 13. Erickson / in this theorist’s theory the roles of nursing are facilitation, nurturance, and unconditional acceptance.
  10. 14. Joyce Fitzgerald / This doctor created a theory that has provided a framework for newer nursing theorists. The model representing the theory states that human development is centered along the rhythms of person, health, wellness-illness, and metaparadigm and nurses can use these to achieve maximum wellness for patients.
  11. 17. Kolcaba / Her theory was developed in the 1990s. This theorist focuses on the comfort of the patient. This theory ensures that the patient is comforted mentally and physically.