  1. 1. Jean Orlando - Nursing Process theory
  2. 4. Rogers -Unitary Human beings
  3. 6. Peplau - Interpersonal theory
  4. 11. Calista Roy - Adaptation theory
  5. 13. Johnson - System model
  6. 14. Wiedenbach - The Helping Art of Clinical Nursing
  7. 15. Nightingale - Environment theory
  8. 18. Kolcaba - Comfort Theory
  9. 19. Benner - From Novice to Expert
  10. 20. Watson - Philosophy and Caring Model
  1. 2. Orem - Self-care theory
  2. 3. Leininger -Transcultural nursing
  3. 5. Newman - Health As Expanding Consciousness
  4. 7. King - Goal Attainment theory
  5. 8. Henderson - Need Theory
  6. 9. Neuman - System model
  7. 10. Travelbee - Human-To-Human Relationship Model
  8. 12. Rizzo Parse - Human Becoming Theory
  9. 16. E. Hall - The Core, Care and Cure
  10. 17. Abdella - Twenty One Nursing Problems