  1. 4. Thory of Moral Develoment
  2. 6. Theory of Human Becoming
  3. 8. Theory of Human Caring: Retrospective and Prospective
  4. 9. Theory of Caricative Caring
  5. 13. Culture Care Diversity And Universality
  6. 14. Theory of Goal Attainment
  7. 16. Nursing: Concepts of Practice
  8. 17. Change Theory
  9. 18. PREPAPRE ME theory
  10. 19. Environmental Theory
  1. 1. The Behavioral System Model for Nursing
  2. 2. Nursing: Science of UNitary, Irreducible, Human Beings: Update
  3. 3. Theory of Health as expanding Conciusness
  4. 5. Retirement And Role Discontinuities
  5. 7. Theory of Nursing Process
  6. 10. 14 Basic Human Needs
  7. 11. Systems Theory
  8. 12. The Conservation Principles: A Retrospective
  9. 15. System Model in Nursing Practice
  10. 20. Care,Cure, and Cure Model