Nutrient Cycle

  1. 2. Too much CO2 in the atmosphere can cause the _____ effect
  2. 6. This is essential to life on earth
  3. 10. Animal _____ is returned to the soil in a part of the nitrogen cycle
  4. 12. The water cycle consists of precipitation, evaporation, and this
  5. 13. volcanic eruptions, rock formations, and plate tectonics
  6. 15. the process by which plants use CO2 to make sugar and oxygen
  7. 18. Our ____ is 78% nitrogen gas
  8. 19. Phosphorus makes up this important chemical
  1. 1. nutrient whose supply limits productivity
  2. 3. activities performed by living organisms
  3. 4. Animals in plants use this found in the atmosphere
  4. 5. ____ is found in rocks and minerals
  5. 7. chemical substances that an organism needs to sustain life
  6. 8. This can run off into water ways
  7. 9. The water cycle is powered by the ____
  8. 11. formation of clouds, lightning, flow of water
  9. 14. This is another source of CO2
  10. 15. Higher organisms use nitrogen to make their _____
  11. 16. Decayed plants and animals can be burned as fossils fuels to make ____, coal, and natural gas
  12. 17. mining and burning of fossil fuels, clearing of land, and use of fertilizer