
  1. 3. good source of Vitamin A
  2. 6. deficiency disease which leads to soft bendy bones
  3. 9. component needed in small quantities by the body
  4. 10. milk is an important source of this mineral
  5. 13. source of good, healthy fat
  6. 14. source of vegetarian protein
  7. 15. high source of animal protein
  1. 1. food component that provides high energy
  2. 2. fruit high in Vitamin C
  3. 4. deficiency disease which leads to bleeding gums
  4. 5. lack of this nutrient causes night blindness
  5. 7. vegetable high in Iron
  6. 8. component needed for growth
  7. 11. lack of this mineral causes Goitre (enlarged thyroid glands)
  8. 12. source of calcium and Vitamin D