- 3. Protein is stored in ____ (2)
- 4. Essential for growth, maintenance, and repair of body tissue
- 5. Organic substances essential to normal metabolism
- 8. Intake and output of Nitrogen are equal (2)
- 11. Fluid retention disease (abr.)
- 13. Fat-soluble vitamins
- 14. Elements necessary for normal function of body processes
- 15. Digests carbohydrates
- 16. Amount of energy you need to consume over a 24 hour period (3)
- 17. Inorganic elements essential as catalysts in biochemical reactions
- 18. Deficiency occurs when intake falls below 10%
- 19. Provides a basic guide for making food choices for a healthy life style
- 20. Wave like muscular contractions
- 1. Difficulty Swallowing
- 2. Absorbs most of water (2)
- 6. Stores and concentrates bile (2)
- 7. Screens older adults - score less than 17 indicates protein-energy malnutrition (3)
- 9. Does not contribute to calories in the diet
- 10. 9 kilocalories per gram
- 11. Main source of energy in the diet
- 12. Energy needed at rest to maintain life-sustaining activities (3)