Nutrition 1.9-1.11

  1. 4. this gender has a higher risk of developing diabetes
  2. 9. the death of tissues in the bodies extremities (e.g. toes)
  3. 10. associated with adolescence
  4. 12. this lifestyle factor reduces the risk of developing obesity and type-2 diabetes.
  5. 13. the condition associated with brittle bones
  6. 17. a BMI > 30
  7. 19. a mineral required to aid with oxygen transport around the body
  8. 20. CHD is known as ________ Heart Disease
  9. 21. this complex carbohydrate is an intermediate energy source, stored in liver cells.
  10. 25. the development of fatty plaques in blood vessels
  11. 26. this index is used to determine the effect a food has on raising blood sugar levels
  12. 27. adipose tissue stored in the abdomen is known as _________ fat
  13. 28. increasing this food component reduces the risk of constipation
  1. 1. the release of gasseous waste from the gut microbiome
  2. 2. a condition where the body cannot effectively respond to hyperglycaemia
  3. 3. produced by the pancreas to reduce blood sugar levels
  4. 5. diet-related disorders increase with this unavoidable factor
  5. 6. the disaccharide found in breast milk
  6. 7. inflammation of small pouches in the large intestine
  7. 8. a blood clot in the brain may result in this
  8. 11. the stage in life from 0-12 months
  9. 14. high levels of this fat increase LDL levels
  10. 15. diets high in this mineral, increase the risk of hypertension
  11. 16. this female stage in development increases the risk of developing osteoporosis
  12. 18. this type of fibre reduces cholesterol absorption in the small intestine
  13. 22. this monosaccharide triggers the production of VLDLs by the liver
  14. 23. the term describing breast milk production
  15. 24. people with this condition are at a higher risk of all over nutrition-related disorders