
  1. 3. / This color represents the Vegetable group
  2. 7. / Broccoli and carrots are examples of this food group
  3. 9. / Apples and strawberries are examples of this food group
  4. 10. Foods / Meat and beans are examples of this food group
  5. 11. / Although not on myplate, this group is represented by the color yellow
  6. 12. / This color represents our sometimes food like chocolate and jelly beans
  1. 1. / This color represents the Grains group
  2. 2. / This color represents the Fruit group
  3. 4. / How many groups belong to myplate
  4. 5. / This color represents the Dairy group
  5. 6. / Milk and cheese are examples of this food group
  6. 8. / Bread and rice are examples of this food group
  7. 10. / This color represents Protein Foods group