
  1. 4. Simple sugars are used as a source of:
  2. 6. They don't only make a good b'fast
  3. 7. these proteins catalyse reactions
  4. 8. Milk, cheese and better are _____ products
  5. 9. Food contains a number of basic substances, known as:
  6. 13. Vegetables provide us with vitamins, fibre and _____
  7. 14. these proteins fight infections
  1. 1. a person with _____ has particular dietary requirements
  2. 2. I have to be complex to act as storage
  3. 3. On average, males need ______ calories than females
  4. 5. water is a _____ in certain chemical reactions in body
  5. 10. lipids form an _______ layer around the body
  6. 11. Main building block of cell membranes
  7. 12. We need food to maintain ________ bodies