
  1. 5. Fiber that does not dissolve in water. It was once referred to as roughage ("ruff-ij") because it is rough.
  2. 6. Fiber that dissolves in water, slows down the release of sugar into the blood, and helps lower cholesterol levels in the blood
  3. 8. Two or more incomplete protein sources that together provide adequate amounts of all the essential amino acids
  4. 9. Study of the nutrients in food and how they nourish the body
  5. 10. essential for life, your body can only last a few days without
  6. 13. Components of food that are needed for the body to function
  7. 15. Condition caused by lack of iron in a person's blood
  8. 16. White, waxy substance produced in the liver that helps the body carry out its many processes
  9. 17. Another word for fat
  10. 18. Also known as a calorie, a unit of measurement for energry
  1. 1. Also known as a phytonutrient, this type of chemical aids the body in fighting or preventing diseases.
  2. 2. Condition in which the bones gradually lose their minerals, becoming weak and fragile
  3. 3. Proteins that contain all the essential amino acids in the right amount
  4. 4. chemical compounds found in food that are needed for regulating metabolic processes, such as digestion and the absorption of nutrients
  5. 7. This energy source contains long chains that include many glucose molecules. They are found in plant-based foods such as grains, legumes, and vegetables. They provide a long-lasting source of energy
  6. 11. Contains one or two sugars. These carbohydrates have a chemical structure that is relatively simple compared to starch and fiber
  7. 12. Physical condition caused by a lack of nutrients or an imbalance of nutrients
  8. 14. Inorganic element essential to nutrition that is classified as major or trace