
  1. 2. keep cold food cold and hot food ___
  2. 4. wash both of these for 20 seconds to kill germs
  3. 6. keeps you active and moving
  4. 9. milk eggs and yogurt should be stored in the ___
  5. 11. can be sweet, has seeds, can grow from trees, many colors
  6. 12. an ice ___ will keep your lunch cold
  7. 13. can build strong bones and muscles
  1. 1. slice veggies on a clean cutting ____
  2. 3. helps you stay hydrated when you are thirsty
  3. 5. known as plants, good for you, many of them are green
  4. 7. small meal after breakfast and before lunch
  5. 8. do not leave food out for more than two ___
  6. 10. wash your hands before you ___