
  1. 6. 30 to 60 minutes of this every day can improve your health
  2. 10. a great source of vitamin C and boost immune system
  3. 11. half of the carbohydrates you eat from bread should be ___ grain
  4. 13. one type of unsaturated fat: p___
  5. 14. one of the most harmful fats: t___
  6. 15. vegetarians do not eat ___
  7. 17. one of the three main macronutrients, contains carbon and hydrogen such as cholesterol, triglycerides, and phospholipids
  8. 18. nutrient ___ show us the calories and nutrient facts of the food we eat
  1. 1. what does BMI stand for
  2. 2. essential nutrient for the body, building block of body tissue with amino acids
  3. 3. contains carbon, hydrogen and oxygen includes sugars, starch and cellulose and a great source of energy
  4. 4. vegans do not eat any ___ sources of food
  5. 5. fruits and veggies can be a good source of
  6. 7. one of the leading causes of cardiovascular disease
  7. 8. one type of unsaturated fat: m____
  8. 9. weight above what is considered healthy, measured using BMI, can cause health issues as one ages
  9. 12. can be a great source of protein such as chicken
  10. 16. body uses this from food for energy