
  1. 3. blood pressure above 120/80 is called
  2. 5. if your body cannot digest this sugar in milk you have this intolerance
  3. 6. type of blood cholesterol that is not healthy
  4. 11. most of this flavoring agent in our diet comes from processed foods
  5. 13. this vitamin helps prevent blood clotting and helps lower blood pressure
  6. 14. vitamin B2 is also known as __
  7. 15. this vitamin is thought to help prevent colds and boost immune system
  1. 1. this spice is bright red and starts with a P
  2. 2. adequate calcium intake helps to prevent this disease of weakened bones especially for elderly
  3. 4. a glucometer is used to measure their __ levels for those with diabetes to test levels of this in their blood
  4. 7. type of blood cholesterol that is healthy
  5. 8. this vitamin helps body absorb calcium
  6. 9. childhood disease that is related to insufficient intake of vitamin D and weakening of the bones
  7. 10. deficiency in this vitamin can cause Beri Beri
  8. 12. type of fat produced by a process called hydrogenation and associated with increased risk of heart disease