
  1. 3. The only fruit with seeds on the outside
  2. 7. Process of breaking down food; typically takes about 4-6 hours
  3. 9. A type of sauce that is green in color and typically comprised of basil, pine nuts and other ingredients
  4. 10. Macronutrient that helps build muscle
  5. 13. A food that typically never expires
  6. 14. Term for low blood sugar
  7. 15. Your body’s control center and functions as part of the nervous system
  8. 17. Four modules of this type of therapy include: mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness
  9. 19. Vitamin A helps with strengthening this
  10. 20. The main ingredient in guacamole is
  11. 22. Live bacteria found in the microbiome- promotes gut health
  12. 23. Basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us
  13. 26. Fiber that feeds the bacteria in the gut (starts with a 'p')
  14. 27. Helpful to create before going food shopping
  15. 28. Unit of energy
  16. 31. Non-essential, non-nutritive plant chemicals with protective or disease preventive qualities (produced by plants)
  17. 33. An example of a food containing a high amount of vitamin A
  1. 1. All sources of this macronutrient break down into the form of glucose
  2. 2. Drinking water is important for
  3. 4. Term for high blood sugar
  4. 5. This type of fiber moves through the digestive track
  5. 6. amount of chambers in the human heart
  6. 8. Ranks as one of the leading and most popular pizza toppings in the USA
  7. 11. Usable energy from carbohydrate sources
  8. 12. A mineral that is necessary for bones, muscles, teeth and nerves
  9. 15. A potassium containing food
  10. 16. This type of fiber is known for helping with blood sugar regulation
  11. 18. A combination of breakfast and lunch
  12. 21. An example of a vegetable containing probiotics; other examples outside of this include leeks
  13. 24. A leafy green source containing calcium
  14. 25. A fruit that comes in shades of red, yellow and green (typically)
  15. 29. An easy to make breakfast meal using a grain, milk and toppings
  16. 30. The key organ in the circulatory system
  17. 32. Lemons and Limes are examples of fruits that come from this type of tree