
  1. 3. Build tissues and repairs body cells.
  2. 4. A highly concentrated source of energy in the body.
  3. 7. apples is a source of what?
  4. 8. Stored in the bone marrow, organs, spleen and muscles
  5. 9. fats fats that are liquid at room temperature
  6. 11. unit of heat used to measure energy value of food
  7. 13. main function is to provide energy
  1. 1. milk is a source of what?
  2. 2. broccoli is a source of what?
  3. 5. fats fats that are solid at room temperature.
  4. 6. chicken is a source of what?
  5. 10. act or process in which living organisms utilize food substances
  6. 12. Rice is a source of what?