
  1. 3. this is often in food and is disguised
  2. 4. the name of our school
  3. 6. this shows us the nutritional value of the food item
  4. 7. your body needs this in abundance
  5. 10. this serves as. broom and helps to keep the bowels flushed
  6. 11. sailors tended to get this a lot
  7. 13. I store energy
  8. 15. this micronutrient helps keep your bones healthy
  9. 18. this provides us with an energy source
  10. 19. this come from fats
  1. 1. when a person gets older, the bones get less dense
  2. 2. this is used for growth and repair
  3. 5. the last name of our deputy principal
  4. 8. this happens when you don't have enough fiber and water in your body
  5. 9. this is what sailors ate to prevent scurvy
  6. 12. when someone has anemia, they feel this
  7. 14. food producers use methods to do this to make you buy their product
  8. 16. very important to keep us hydrated
  9. 17. anemia is caused when this is low