
  1. 1. softens stool
  2. 4. CHO
  3. 5. vitamin found in animal products
  4. 6. complex carbohydrates
  5. 8. made up of two sugar units bonded together
  6. 9. hydrogen is missing in one or more places
  7. 10. simple carbohydrates
  8. 11. attracts water and turns into gel during digestion
  9. 13. refers to foods that humans cannot digest
  10. 15. a measurement of energy
  11. 16. found in carrots
  1. 2. fats and cholesterol
  2. 3. generally of animal origin and at solid at room temperature
  3. 7. competely hydrogenated
  4. 12. feeling of fullness
  5. 14. it contributes to the healing of wounds