
  1. 3. You need to drink me to prevent dehydration
  2. 4. a good source of Vitamin A.
  3. 5. This mineral is needed for strong teeth
  4. 8. this solution tests for the presence of sugar / glucose
  5. 10. this solution tests for the presence of starch
  6. 11. If you eat Vitamin C you will avoid this illness
  7. 13. I am good for growth and repair
  8. 14. this solution test for the presence of fats
  9. 15. Is a good example of where you would find fibre
  1. 1. This is defined as eating everything in moderation and ensuring food from each food group is eaten
  2. 2. I am very tasty, but you should eat me in moderation
  3. 6. I am not digested but I am needed to keep food moving through the gut
  4. 7. If you do not have enough vitamin D in your diet you might suffer from this illness
  5. 9. this solution tests for the presence of protein
  6. 12. You need to eat me to get energy