
  1. 2. is a unit that is used to measure energy.
  2. 4. known as sodium chloride, salt, is a mineral your body uses to keep your fluids in balance and your muscles and nerves working
  3. 6. acids
  4. 8. help your body grow and work the way it should.
  5. 9. molecules calm of one or more chains of amino acids in a specific order.
  6. 10. is a type of carbohydrate that the body can't digest.
  7. 12. is a mixture of two proteins found in wheat.
  8. 13. are a type of nutrient that you get from your diet.
  9. 14. is a type of sugar found naturally in milk and other dairy products.
  1. 1. help our bodies develop and function.
  2. 2. is used to make hormones and vitamin D.
  3. 3. bodies need carbohydrates for energy.
  4. 5. acids are organic mixtures that combine to form proteins.
  5. 7. are chemical mixtures in food that are used by the body to function properly and maintain health.
  6. 11. are a type of simple carbohydrate.