
  1. 2. our bodies uses it to make protein to help the body repair tissue.
  2. 3. A unit of energy measurement, can be translated into kJ.
  3. 4. Mostly carbohydrates and it is made up of types of plants.
  4. 5. type of sugar you get from food you eat and your body uses it as a energy.
  5. 9. need to develop and function normally. that is required in amounts that exceed the body's and helps form structures of large molecules such as protein.
  6. 11. Compounds in foods essential to life and health which provide us with energy, the building blocks for repair and growth and also to regulate chemical processes.
  7. 12. from food we eat to maintain strong bones and it is important for our physical function.
  8. 14. Is the type of nutrient that you get from your diet. It is used for energy if not then it will build up around your body.
  9. 15. Foods that are necessary for growth, health, and good condition.
  1. 1. elements found in food that our bodies need to develop and function normally.
  2. 3. sugar molecules, it is found in food and drinks and used as energy source.
  3. 6. like minerals, they are found in food that our bodies need to develop and function normally.
  4. 7. Important for growth & repair of tissues.
  5. 8. Food that can be sweet but sour, comes from plants as well, such as apples, berries and oranges.
  6. 10. Parts of plants used as food, such as cabbage, potato, broccoli.
  7. 13. A special course of food to which a person restricts themselves either to lose weight or for medical reasons.