
  1. 2. organic compound, obtained in meat, egss and etc
  2. 4. it's found in teeth and bones
  3. 7. excessive loss of water from body
  4. 9. helps regulate body's sugar
  5. 10. natural energy source
  6. 12. Arch body again to assess body energies
  7. 13. protein in wheat initially needed to support muscle
  8. 16. essential for body but certain amount
  9. 18. fatty cell constituent
  1. 1. term that expresses the energy values of food
  2. 3. human fuel to function
  3. 5. refers to vitamins and minerals
  4. 6. needed in larger quantities that provide us with energy
  5. 8. basic protein constituent
  6. 11. essential for growth and come in many range.
  7. 14. type of intolerance, sugar in milk
  8. 15. vitamins' partner
  9. 17. mineral source