
  1. 3. too much sugar
  2. 5. tofu, meat and beans are part of this group
  3. 6. too little sugar
  4. 9. milk, cheese, yogurt are part of this group
  5. 10. breads, flour, wheat and macaroni
  6. 11. kind of bad fat that is hard at room temp.
  7. 13. have only 1 TBSP. total of this per day
  8. 14. condition that may require insulin
  1. 1. bananas, apples and oranges are in this group
  2. 2. professional who tests nutrition in food
  3. 4. starches- good for energy
  4. 7. name of nutrition guidelines
  5. 8. celery, broccoli and corn are in this group
  6. 12. agency that sets nutritional guidelines