
  1. 1. is high in omega-3
  2. 4. fiber Dietary fiber also may help lower your risk for heart disease and reduce your risk for Type 2 diabetes
  3. 6. fat and trans fat help reduce your risk of heart disease.
  4. 10. can help to maintain bone strength and keep bones healthy during older age
  5. 11. intake may reduce cardiovascular health during adulthood.
  6. 13. in your diet may also help keep bones strong
  7. 14. help reduce the risk of developing several health problems such as heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, bone loss and osteoporosis, and diabetes.
  1. 1. cereal is a source of B12
  2. 2. consumption during older adulthood may reduce chronic disease
  3. 3. is a chain of amino acids
  4. 5. helps to keep the urinary tract and kidneys healthy
  5. 7. is low in saturated fat
  6. 8. provide protein, calcuim and other important nutrients
  7. 9. is a good source of vitamin D
  8. 12. are good sources of fiber and vitamin B