
  1. 1. Stores energy for future use
  2. 4. individual link of a protein chain
  3. 7. Chemical process gaining energy for the body
  4. 8. Nutrients with nitrogen along with carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
  5. 10. nutrients that are made by living things and assist with chem. reactions
  6. 13. Supply energy for the body
  7. 14. dissolved substances that regulate many processes in cells
  8. 15. found in hole grain breads
  1. 2. vitamins that protect the cells from aging damage
  2. 3. process of the body maintaining equilibrium
  3. 5. nutrients that are found in rocks and plants naturally
  4. 6. low levels of iron cause less hemoglobin in red blood cells
  5. 9. Manufactured fats made with hydrogen
  6. 11. A waxy, fatlike substance that is found in all the cells in your body
  7. 12. The basic unit of energy