
  1. 7. vitamins, minerals, water
  2. 9. both a healthy fat and a plant protein
  3. 10. food group made up of simple carbohydrates
  4. 12. simple carbohydrates
  5. 13. food group made up of complex carbohydrates
  6. 15. whole-grains should be _____ % of your total grains
  7. 17. greens plant based calcium
  8. 20. complex carbohydrates
  9. 21. fats, carbohydrates, proteins
  1. 1. mineral that builds bone density
  2. 2. sweet, smooth, flavors, rich in calcium
  3. 3. whole grain
  4. 4. high protein, healthy fat, scrambled, fried or poached
  5. 5. building blocks of proteins
  6. 6. choosing the right amount of food
  7. 8. eating many colors and types of foods
  8. 11. energy for the body
  9. 14. food with no nutritional value
  10. 16. store energy
  11. 18. protein group
  12. 19. plant-based protein, high in carbs and low in fat