
  1. 5. the body's need for food
  2. 7. substances in foods and beverages essential for growth and life
  3. 9. your desire for food
  4. 13. a mental health condition that obsesses over weight, body shape, and overall body image that somehow affects the foods eaten
  5. 14. nutrient that doesn't give us energy but has many different kinds such as A, D, E, K, and C
  6. 15. a kind of plan or thing a person consumes to lose unrealistic weight in a short period of time
  7. 16. the repeated pattern of losing weight, gaining weight, losing weight, gaining weight
  1. 1. how you see yourself or picture yourself in your mind
  2. 2. nutrient that gives us 4 calories per gram and examples of foods are meats, dairy products, and eggs
  3. 3. nutrient that doesn't give us energy but is recommended we drink 80-100 ounces of it every day
  4. 4. nutrient that gives us 9 calories per gram and examples are unsaturated, saturated, and trans
  5. 6. taking in and using food and beverages
  6. 8. nutrient that doesn't give us energy but has many different kinds such as sodium, iron, and potassium
  7. 10. nutrient that gives us 4 calories per gram and examples of foods are noodles, rice, and bread
  8. 11. body breaking down substances and converting it into things it can use
  9. 12. amount of energy in food and beverages