
  1. 1. binge on food and then purge the food from the body
  2. 4. drinking beverages or eating foods in their natural form
  3. 5. come from plants
  4. 11. food that is found in its original form
  5. 12. come from lean animal products and plants
  6. 16. eating sweets, greasy foods and other high calorie foods sparingly
  7. 17. eating to excess
  8. 18. the measurement of heat energy contained in a given amount of food
  9. 19. tumors that are cancer
  1. 2. eating empty calories that do not supply enough vitamins and minerals to maintain the body
  2. 3. food that has been precooked, preserved and enriched
  3. 6. organic compounds that maintain body functions
  4. 7. tumors that are not cancer
  5. 8. makes up 82% of your body
  6. 9. eating many different types of natural foods
  7. 10. inorganice compounds that maintain body functions
  8. 13. come from animal products
  9. 14. abnormal growth of cells which tend to proliferate in an uncontrolled way and, in some cases, metastasize
  10. 15. self starvation