
  1. 5. what we call food with only one ingredient
  2. 9. a white additive we sprinkle on food for taste
  3. 10. the topic of this crossword puzzle
  4. 12. a nutrient that helps build muscle
  5. 14. the feeling when you need to drink something
  6. 17. the type of grain that is not as healthy
  7. 19. this food is high in vitamin C
  1. 1. a type of fat often found in processed meats
  2. 2. an important type of food to eat every day
  3. 3. contains a lot of vitamin A
  4. 4. a common protein source that is not meat
  5. 6. a fun food that comes in a bag
  6. 7. the feeling when you need to eat something
  7. 8. the colour of vegetables with lots of vitamins
  8. 11. we drink this throughout the day to stay hydrated
  9. 13. a food group
  10. 14. the number of sections on the food guide plate
  11. 15. we can get vitamin D from this source
  12. 16. a carbohydrate that we do not digest
  13. 18. an important ingredient used to make smoothies