
  1. 2. nutrients that promote growth and energy
  2. 4. contributes to healthy blood
  3. 6. essential to every body function
  4. 7. helps build strong teeth and bones
  5. 9. A important for good vision and skin
  6. 13. the study of nutrients
  7. 15. carbohydrates that are starches
  8. 16. C helps heal wounds and fight infections
  9. 17. body's main source of energy
  10. 19. unit of heat that measures the energy in food
  1. 1. B helps produce energy
  2. 2. acid helps your body form and maintain new cells
  3. 3. helps maintain body fluid balance
  4. 5. help regulate body functions
  5. 8. fats increases health problems
  6. 10. substances the body needs to function
  7. 11. help your body work properly
  8. 12. build and repairs cells
  9. 14. carbohydrates that are sugars
  10. 18. helps to carry waste out of the body