
  1. 2. A condition where red blood cells do not contain enough hemoglobin
  2. 4. Females should drink "" water a day
  3. 7. How many cups of water should males drink per day
  4. 8. The amount of energy released when nutrients are broken down
  5. 11. Help protect healthy cells from the damage caused by the normal aging process as well as certain types of cancer.
  6. 12. The process of maintaining a healthy state inside your body
  7. 14. Important for functioning of the heart and water regulation.
  8. 15. how many classes of nutrients are there?
  1. 1. Which type of vitamins can be stored in the body to be used later?
  2. 3. They regulate the process of cells.
  3. 5. 65% of your body is made of...
  4. 6. is important for blood clotting and the functioning of your nervous system.
  5. 9. Weakness, Rapid breathing, and a week heartbeat are symptoms of...
  6. 10. the chemical process by which the body breaks down food to release this energy
  7. 13. what do carbs supply for your bodys functions